Monday, September 20, 2010

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi everyone! Welcome to my Blog. We will be using this blog to complete class assignments, take surveys, and share links.

It is very important to remember that when posting to my blog you MUST use proper English. Text-speak, slang, smiley faces, and acronyms are not welcome.

Let's practice...

1. Click on the "Post a Comment" link.

2. Type your name and hour. First name and last name initial ONLY! No last names.

3. In the "Leave a Comment" section tell me a little bit about yourself. Write at least 5 grammatically correct sentences. No netspeak!

4. When you are done, reread your post to make sure that it makes sense!

5. This is the Anonymous under "Choose an Identity" option.

6. Click the "Post Your Comment" button.

7. Check to make sure that your comment has posted to the blog.