Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thing 6

Create a post on your blog about one of the photos you downloaded. Why did you choose a particular photo? What is it about the photo that you found interesting? Be sure to include the image in your post. Use Blogger's photo upload feature to do this.

For 10 years I have been a French teacher. This year I entered a brave new world of technology to begin teaching Media Literacy. Sometimes I feel like I am a first year teacher all over again. Many days I am missing teaching French. I miss knowing from day to day what I am teaching and messing with technology has many more pitfalls than teaching a foreign language.

Tonight a friend of mine suggested that we go to Paris over Christmas break. It was very tempting. But I have 2 young children (1 and 4), am single, and have plenty of bills to pay so Paris isn't likely. But just thinking about going there again is a dream that my husband and I shared. So, I found many beautiful images of the Eiffel Tower and it reminded me of the plans the two us had shared of returned there one day.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Thoman said...

Don't be discouraged! It takes a year or two to get comfortable with new ways of teaching that media literacy education demands. Indeed Bravo for you for being willing to jump in and shift fields.

You should know about the National Assocaition for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) at
and also the site at the Center for Media Literacy ( Come visit us and connect with others who are new as well as those of us who have pioneered this field. Check out that the NAMLE site has a Marketplace where you can get wonderful resources for teaching and for learning more about HOW to teach in a media rich classroom.

Contact me privately if I can help you further --

Elizabeht Thoman / founder, Center for Media Literacy / Los Angeles;