Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thing 17

Give a review of the tool you explored - what worked, what didn't work, how might it be used either in or out of the classroom?

(This is my third attempt at posting. My internet tonight is wacky!) I explored Zoho. At first I tried to upload my own powerpoint presentation but it didn't work. I don't know if it was my computer, my Internet connection, or the site itself. My computer hasn't worked right since I installed Delicious icons! uggh.

So, instead of uploading my own powerpoint, I searched through the public presentations. I found the one above and thought my students my find it interesting when we are doing the photography unit. It was very easy to search and embed into the blog.

I can see how easy it is to use. I like the idea of using someone else's presentation. Why reinvent the wheel? This would be great to embed a powerpoint into a blog for students to explore individually (rather than in a classroom presentation) or for absent/ homebound students. It is hard when students miss a classroom presentation and having the powerpoint online would help greatly in getting students caught up.

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