Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thing 22

In your blog post be sure to include the link to your wiki. Then discuss your feelings about using a wiki. How does a wiki differ from a blog? When is one more appropriate to use than the other?

My wiki is at

I created this wiki in July and have been using it since the start of the school year. I applied for it to be ad free and am happy with the results.

I love using my wiki. It is so easy to manage. I have even used it for interdisciplinary units (see the Election link on the left). I have used polls from polldaddy, posted videos from TeacherTube, make a list of links to follow, and even helped a friend develop her own wiki for a project on French Artists which she is now expanding for other projects.

One thing I both love and dislike about the wiki is the simplicity. It is basic and I guess that what makes it easy to use but sometimes you want things to be a little more complex... usually for visual purposes only. I have some problems embedding videos and other widgets. All of my videos disappeared one day. Weird.

I love my Sponge Links page. This is a page of a whole bunch of school appropriate web sites that students can visit when they are done with their classwork. It "soaks up" time at the end of class if they finish early. This helps keep the students from getting into too much trouble on the Internet.

A blog is different in that each entry is piled on top of one another. I found this a little frustrating when putting an assignment in my blog, and then having the students have to scroll through newer entries to find the assignment.

Sometimes I feel a little skitzophrenic- I have a wiki, a website, a blog, a podcast site... But not one central location. Over time I think I will figure out which ones I use the most and how to integrate them together. Just haven't figured out the best way yet.

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