Thursday, November 19, 2009

Celebrities and Advertising

Does having a celebrity in an advertisment influence you to purchase the product? Why or why not? Explain.

Write your answer in the comment section.

Use your first name and last initial only.

Use proper grammar and punctuation.

Write at least 5 sentences.


Anonymous said...

i liked most of the videos. but the one i liked the most is the justin timberlake.that one was funny. i do think they sell more products from the cleb.and i liked the bitney spears one to.

Katie L.

Anonymous said...

Andrew S.

Yes it does because they all use music. They make you want to buy it because u could think that they would sing for you. Also if you drink it. It also makes you believe that you will meet these people. The songs are catchy and have them drinking the product to make it look like they have energy.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think having a celebrity influences me to get the product, having a celebrity do a commercial can be more entertaining which can get people to buy the product advertised.

Matt s.

Anonymous said...

Jaela C.

No,because thats a celebrity and were not celebritys.Also because celebritys are beautiful and nice looking.

Anonymous said...

Jason L.

Yes because they all use music. They make you want to buy it because they would sing the song and if you buy this you can be like they celebrities and you can sing your favroite song.

Anonymous said...

all of the videos were pretty funny. i thougth that the one with justin timberlake in it was just plain hilarious! i think that they do sell alot better because they put the most popular celeberity's between regular kids and adults like. also i liked the micheal jackson one(r.i.p)

-Selena A.

Anonymous said...

Azje'e P..
Yes but no not really because from my point a view if the celebrity is some one I really like I belive that I would buy the item but it have to be a good item.So yea there is a big difference when a celebrity is in an advertisment.Many peole may think that its a big difference to because the dont have ugly lookin celebritys the have nice lookin ones and they always have nice look smiles.

Anonymous said...

Having a celebrity the commercial does make me want to buy the product because it makes the product that the advertisers are selling look glamorous in a sort of way. It also depends on the commercials representation how it the celebrity makes the product look special,also if they show that the are also willing to buy it. The celebrity has to taste and look as if they are actually enjoying it. i like if they sing or make it funney.

tierra s.

Anonymous said...

I LOVED ALL of the videos they were soooo funny. The justin Timberlake one was hilarious. They make it funny so people clould buy the product. The Michael Jacson one made me want one of those pepsi cans to drink. Those videos are going to make lots of money.LOL!!!!

Kristina A.

Anonymous said...

Michael F.

No,I don't think celeberitys influnce me to buy the product. I don't think this because I might not like the product. Sometimes might try it to see if it is good. But the celebs do not influnce me to try it it out.

Anonymous said...

Jeffrey T.

Yes because you would think it would be a good thing because a celebrity is using it. You might think that the product is better than others. The celebritys can support the product by saying its better than others. It would be best for you to have a celebrity in the ad so they presuade people that thats the product that they want.

Anonymous said...

Jaela C.

No, celebritys wont make me buy the product because they use celebritys to sell the product.That doesnt mean it might and might not but they thunk just because they use celebritys people will buy the product.

Anonymous said...

justin t.

i think that it helps in some ways and that it makes people think about it. some people they dont buy the product and they by none rile brands

Anonymous said...

Yes,having a celebrity in an advertisment influences me to purchase the product. It influences me because I would think that if a celebrity was advertising a product, it would be a good one. The commercials I liked best was the justin timerlake one and the what is love commercial, Those were funny.

-Brandie J.

Anonymous said...

Yes, having an celebirty in an avertisement influences me because its usually my favorite celebirty. Also because if a celebirty looks good in that commercial i would want to look just like them. Another reason is that they usually use very popular celebirties so that would make me want to buy it even more. Like that pepsi commercial made me wanna buy some pepsi because Michael Jackson was in it.

{Micah P}

Anonymous said...

Ana M.

I really enjoyed all of the videos. Mariah Carey , Michael Jackson!!! WOW that really makes me want to get a pepsi bottle and start drinking it. I like the Justin Timberlake and the Mariah Carey one. I think it does make us want to buy it if a famous person likes it.

Anonymous said...

brandon b.
I liked the Justin Timberlake video it was verry funny. All the other videos where cool to. I tink that the companys do make more monny off of the celiberties on there commercials.

Anonymous said...

Evan H.

4th Hour

I think they sell more by getting celebritys to advertise there products, Because if some one likes that celebrity they might listen to what they have to say and get the product.

Anonymous said...

Austin T.

4th Hour

Yes commercials that celeberties host do get my attention becase they are role modeols.You look up to them. You know them. Its someone thats famous.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy all of the videos because all of them was funny and makes me want to get a pepsi right now. my favorite one was justin timberlake because I thought it was the funniest.

Jasmire M.

Anonymous said...

Willie P. 4th hour
I like all advertisment.But I really like the ones with celebrity better. Because they mack the product look good. Because out of all the other products the celebrity chooses that one. I like the football one best.

Anonymous said...

Amberli N. 4th hour

Yes because some of the celebrities i liked. Also the people looked good and i don't know why but that makes me want to buy it more. The music also makes you pay attention more. Some of them were funny too. So like when you go to the store you might be like i rembember that pepsi commercial now im going to get some Pepsi.

Anonymous said...

Eric C. 4th hr.

Having a celebrity does make you want to buy the productand here are some reasons why.The people that watch the comercials like whe n they see the celebrities because they are famous and if the celebrities wear the product the they want to wear the product.Another reason why people would want to buy the product is because the product can get popular and more people will buy it.The celebrities probably does these comercials for the money. One other thing the people buy the product for is the characters looks and they have to have good music

Anonymous said...

Justin H.
Yes when you see a commercial endorsed by a celebrity or someone famous you are more likly to buy. The Justin Timberlake commercial os an example because you think that there is a possibily to see him. That video with Michael Jackson was cool and it grabbed your attention. After watching those commercials I am craving a pepsi. That proves that celebritys can then sway people to buy a product.

Anonymous said...

Kelly C.
4th hour
I liked four of the videos the best and the ones I liked the best were Mariah Carey, Micheal Jackson, What is love, and the Justin Timbelake commercial. On the justin imberlake one was funny the way he was being dragged every time the girl drank sone of the pepsi. I like the way they do the comercials. I think the should do more. In conclusion, I think that it is a good idea to have a celebrity to do the commercials because it gets peaople's attention and people think i want to e just like them.

Anonymous said...

Sheena B.
4th hour

No,The ads. dont make me by this product because it could be anyone doing this ad. that is not a celebs. when there are regular people doing this doent make me wont to buy this product eather, I by this product because I wont to. It shouldnt be anyone being advertised by any type of product because there are clebs. on the comericals.

Anonymous said...

KiAna L. 4th hour.

Yes having a clebrity in the comercial does influence me to want to buy the product. But I dont drink dark pops because they are not good for you. If I did pepsi would be one of the first dark soda's I would buy. there were lots of the celebritys that I liked. Also Because pepsi is one of the soda's that is always around me often. So this would be a great way to influence me to buy the pepsi product.

Anonymous said...

Myles. H
4th Hour

Yeah i do think that they make more money if a celebrity adversise it. I think that people will buy it if a celebrity indorce it because to some people look up to them. Just like Michael Jordan alot of boys look up tp him because he changed sports. That's why alot of males would buy the sports product. For girls it would maybe be like, Beyonce or Queen Latofah for make up. Alot of female would buy the product because it makes them look more better and younger.

Anonymous said...

I say yes because most people want something that celebrites have like the clothes they wear

jeremy t

Anonymous said...

Yes because if I see one of my favorite singers or acter I'm going to be interested in the product.

Kayla O.

Anonymous said...

Loved the videos! HILARIOUS! (Justin Timberlake video) Yes, I think the celebrites influced my idea of the product and made me want some Pepsi because they were funny(made me want to be like that celebrity because some people look up to some celebrities) and in the Micheal J. Foxx one how they had water dripping down it was mouthwatering to me. Yumm! I want some Pepsi now! (:

Brianna L.

Anonymous said...

i think that all the videos were soooooooooo funny!!! also i think that it does influence the buyer to buy the product because when you have a celeberty in the commercial or product then people will think that its cool to buy the product. also i loved the justin timberlake one! :) i love pepsi! :)mmmmmmm i want some i also think that people want to buy the product because they photoshop the celeberties to make them look amazing so that people think that they can also look good too.

Katelyn. S :):):):):):):)

Anonymous said...

no not really because the celebrities have nothing to with the product. its how they make the commercial not how many celebrities or what celebrities are in the commercial. the celebrities are basically to me just a prop. the celebrities had no effect to the product the product to me. i wouldnt buy the product because of the celebritie i would buy it for the value.

Rondai W.

Anonymous said...

Da'Nayee B

I think that having a celebrity in an advertisment influences me sometimes to buy the product. One reason is because my favorite idol mite be in the commercial and I really want the product. Also because if I see a proffesional using the product then I feel like normal people jus dont use the product, and that celebrities use it too. Another reason is that you might like the product better if you see a celebrity using it. I also think that using a celebrity in a advertisment because they are beautiful and handsom.

Anonymous said...

Tiara H.

Yes, because if I see someone I am a fan of i would want to use their product.Especially if the advertisment was funny or interestng. It is more interesting if you have a celebrity doing the advertiseing, than just having regular people that you may not even know. If the owner of the product uses a celebrity they may get more sales. My favorite video is the one with Micheal Jackson !!!

Anonymous said...

Yes I do think that celbraties have an effect on weather or not I want to buy that product. Like if I see somebody I no like an athlete or an actor/actress I would probebly more interested in that product,vand those video's were sweeeeet! Plus if I had to get like a new footall and I saw a comercial about a celebratie using it and then I saw another comercial were it is some random person I would most likely get the ball that the celebratie was using.So yes I do think celebraties have an effect on what I buy and what I dont.

Nick D.

Anonymous said...

Yes, celebritirs can make you buy a poutct. The reson why is when you see them on the advertising it will make you think that if they buy that proutect then you should get it to. Also becouse you might feel that eveyone but you is buying this poutct. Celebrities also can make you buy the potect by haveing contests with something from them. That is why I think that celebrites can have some effect on buying a poutect. Trevor R.

Anonymous said...

Yes because if I see one of my favorite singer or acter I'm going to be interested in that product. Also other people would agree. People will mostlikely buy the product because some famous is in the product. If you had random people selling the product people would not want to buy it. The producers of the product want money so they are going to use celebertys to sell their product.
Kayla O.

Anonymous said...

Richie k
Yes,The commercials influneced me because the music and the Celebritys. I think the pepsi ones were a little weird like nothing to do with it.The commercial with the paper can turns into a pepsi can was hilarious but had nothing to do with pepsi. I think i would buy pepsi products because it influenced me and it was funny. That they put celebritys in commercials to inspire kids and get them to buy the product

Anonymous said...

Yes I think that have a celeberty helps because when you have a celeberty people know who they are so they buy the product. Like in the nike swim commerical Michael Phelps is the best swimer in the world and people would like to be like him so they buy the product. In alot of nike commericals they use a celeberty like Michael Phelps and Lebron James. But when they use other people to do there commerical they have to be good like in the basketball tricks video they pick about seven people that were the best people at what they do. So that is why I think that having a celeberty in your commerical will help your product.

Anonymous said...

I think celebrities help commercials becasue it keep the fans focus on that commerical. celebrites make people buy that product or do that thing.People might say "oh look my favorite actor i think i might get that product". Commercials use celebrities so they can get more consumers to buy there a big fan of celebrites like Lebron James.

BriJ'ane D.

Anonymous said...

Yes I think that they have a influnce on what celebrites do how they act what they wear and what they say you should wear do or how they should act. they also do thing people should not inmate like smoking or drinking. these people never say no to the things that they do that is bad for you.

jeremy t

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


yes it dose because it makes you want to buy that product. So that you can be as good as that person. Or as cool or whatever it may be but having someone that is looked up to dose make people want to buy there product. i know it makes me.

Anonymous said...

Stephen C.
6th hour

Yes it does influence me to buy the product because I would like to be just like them so if they are using that product then I would be more likely to buy it and most people look up to them so they would like the product to

Anonymous said...

jesse s
6th hour

yes i think when you put a celebertie in a product i think it will influence them more beacuse...

people might want to look like them, or be like them. people might just want to use a product that somebody famous uses.
and you probobly want that product beacuse that celebertie might be your idol.

Anonymous said...

Kevin R.

I think people buy pepsi because they want to be like the celberities. I like the MC Hammer one that will get people to buy Pepsi. The Michael Jackson one was cool, that will make people want to buy it to dance like him. The Michael Fox one was really uniqe, because how the printer copied the book and then he ripped it and drank pepsi out of it. The really weird one was the Cindy Crawford one, because the guys were mesmerized by the Pepsi can instead of the hot girl.

Anonymous said...

Erika G.
6th Hour
Yes having a celebrity in a commercial does make people want to buy it more.The commercials also made you want to by pepsi by them being catchy and funny.The best pepsi commercial that i saw was the Michael jackson one it was funny and it made me want some pepsi.So i do think that companies are smart when they have celebrities in their commercials and that celebrities do contribute to the number of sells the product has.

Anonymous said...

Yes I think that Celebrities help out on advertising because.When I see a celeb I like I want to be just like them because I idol them and think that most people do to. The videos I liked where the ones with Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake the one with Justin was funny.All of the videos were pretty funny I liked them too, some made me want to drink Pepsi others were not that interesting or funny.I think that the ones that are funnier or more interesting got my attention more and made me want to buy Pepsi

-Keven M.

Anonymous said...

Yes,I think if a celebrity is in an advertisment it will influence me to purchase the product. It influences me because I think if a celebrity is advertising a product, it would be a good one. My favorite videos were: The Justin Timberlake one and the What Is Love video those were kind of funny.

Nakiah M.
6th Hr.

Anonymous said...

Maurtius M.
6th hour

Yes commercials with a celebrity the commercial would make people look at it. The celebs also have good points which make people look up to them for that. The celebs also can make people want to do what they are saying because they are doing it i will to. It can also influence people by saying funny things.So people may think they are funny i gone to buy that just because they said that.

Anonymous said...

Haley G.
6th Hour

Yes and no. The celebrities definitely have an advantage because the companies make a better commercial if it has a celebrity in it. If I see someone I like I definately want to watch the commercial, but that doesn't really mean I'll buy the product they are advertising. I mean, if I like a product I'm gonna buy it no matter who advertises it because its a good product. If I don't like the product it's still fun to look at the advertisement but I'm not going to buy something I don't like just because a celebrity advertises it. It might help other people want to buy the product though.

Anonymous said...

Yes and No, having a celebrity in an advertisement influences me to by the product. It really depends on the product they are advertising and it depends on the celebrity who is advertising it. If it's like a blemish removing product and the celebrity has clear skin... I will more than likely believe it works. My favorite commercial was the Justin Timberlake caught my attention because it was a popular celebrity and because it was funny.

Jordan J.

Anonymous said...

yes having a celebrity endorsement in a products commercial has an affect on making me want to buy it. I would not be as likely to buy a product a product if it wasnt for the celebrity.Like if there was an endorsement for hanes without Micheal Jordan the commercial might not have had as much sucess as it does.some commercials might not be as successfull as if there was a celebrity endorsement. Some products might be more successfull if they had a celebrity endorsing the product.

Xavier C.

Anonymous said...

Celebrity advertisement does affect me in some cases. I love the superbowl commercials and the celebrities advertising them. They encourage me to buy the product. I like footlocker shoes better than payless shoes because they look better and a little bit of the people who wear/endorse them. If celebrities endorsed payless shoes they might be more popular. So, in conclusion celebrity endorsement does have an affect on me. Dominick V.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Kennedy T
7th hour

I think that celebrities in advirtisments do make the product more popular, and more people wanna buy it, because everyone knows them. Some are people's idols and icons, and so if the celebrities buy and use the product, other people are going to want to. I love L'L Cool Jay, so when I seen him in that pepsi commercial, I wanted one! People stop and take a look, when they see famous people. If it was just somebody regular, people might skip over it, or anything. Famous people make you want to take a 2nd look.

Anonymous said...

Drevon W.
7th Hour

No I wouldn't just use products because they're using them. You shouldn't change your style just because another celebrity is wearing them. You should just buy one outfit see if you like it and if you do like it just go buy more. The only way I would wear their products was if it was made by them.

Anonymous said...

Jha-Ron M.
7th hour.

I think it do influnce the consumer because the consumer will want to be just like the celberity in the commericial or they will keep watvhing it and just want to keep buying the product so they can keep making the commerical especesillay if their funny or good

Anonymous said...

Luke C.
7th hour

Selebraty endorcment does not make me want the product. It does make me watch the commercial though. But to me if I didn't want the product a celebraty selling it wouldn't make me want it more. So I don't care who endorces it. I still wouldn't buy it.

Anonymous said...

David P.
7th Hour

I believe that having a celebrity in an advertisment does not influence me to buy the products because I buy what I want to not because my favorite celebrity drinks or wears it. Although pepsi used the celebrities in the commercial and it caught my attention and held it so it drilled Pepsi into my head. My favorite was the Michael Jackson commercial because it was amazing dancing for the kids. So here they caught my attention so that they could try to sell their product. In conclusion, I thought the advertising with celebrities doesn't make me want to buy the product.

Anonymous said...

Jaren J
7th hour

Having a celebrity in an advertisement does influence you to purchase the product. I say this because, if you know who modeling the product, you are more likely to buy it. If somebody that is advertising a product isn't a celebrity, you are more likely to turn the channel. Also, celebrities that advertise products , look bettter than the average person that's not a celebrity. That is why I think celebrities influence you to buy a product.

Anonymous said...

7th hour

no, if i use a product it's because it really works. Most people just want to be like a celebrity, so thats why they use it. Most products you see dont really work, and thats why they have to use celebrities.

Anonymous said...

Isaak C
TV ads with celebrities have never influenced me to buy a product. I have one simple reason for that: half of the time i have absolutely no clue who they are. so i always think of them as a person on tv and not a celed. but i did like the one with justin timberlake in it. it was flipping funny!

Anonymous said...

Diana T
Yes, I think that ads with celebs often make people think that it works just becouse a celeb is on the commercial or on pg on a magazine. But theres chances that the product does not work and that we were just fooled. Sometimes i dont pay attention to commercials that dont have interesting people in it (celebs) becouse i feel like its not important. :)

Anonymous said...

7th hour

I think that having a celebrity endorsment dose change the way people think about the product. Because if someones a huge micheal jackson fan and they see him advertising pepsi then they will want to buy some. If someone wants to look good or look better than their friends and the see Mariah Carey advertising hair products they will want to get some to try to look like Mariah Carey.

Anonymous said...

April T.
7th hour

sometime because other people might thin its funny or what ever and by it.! Likeme if i like it something i will get it i did it before. other people might not because some people think like oh umm dont get that stuff thats not true about it. But if people like me i will love to by something that i like. People sometime dont thin the same.

Anonymous said...

Darren k.
7th hour
I think it is good because you going to won't it causeyou like the music is funny or it is nice so thatway it is yes

Anonymous said...

Tymeria K.
7th hour

No, having a celebrity in a commercial does not make me want ot buy the product. It's just like having a regular person in it in my opinion. Although, if you have a celebrity in your commercial it might atract the viewers attention. But just because someone is in the commercial, there not going to sit there and say ooh, i think im going to go buy a pepsi. So know i don't.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Katie L

I liked most of the videos. But the one i liked the most is the Justin Timberlake. That one was funny. I do think they sell more products from the celebirties. And i liked the britney spears one to.

Anonymous said...

Jessica F.,

Yes, I think having a celebrity in an advertisement does influence me to buy the product. I think this because if its a celebrity I like I am more likely to buy the product. If its one I dont like im not going to want to "be like that person" by buying the product. my favorite Pepsi commerical was the Superbowl More To Love. this was my favorite one because I like the celebrity's in it and when the commerical would come on I would do the head jerking dance in front of the t.v.

Anonymous said...

Having a celebrity in an advertising commercial influences me to buy the product. It makes me want to buy the product because if I see the celebrity using the product,then it must be safe for me to use it too. Also,celebtrities use only the best products.If celebrities use a product it must be a good product. And if I want to be like a celebrity,I will use the product they use.
Devon H.

Anonymous said...

I liked some of the videos. But i really like the one with Justin Timberlake it was really funny. I think if their is a celeb then it will sell more products then others without celebs. And it makes it look like the celebs actually like the product when they actually might not like the product.

Nick L.

Anonymous said...

B'zhaun A.
3rd hour

No, a celebrity will not influence me to purchase the product.First, because it might not work.You may not feel the same way about the product.They are just using celebrities just to make you buy the product.It might not work on that person. That is why celebrities don't influence me to purchase the product.

Anonymous said...

Azia S.

No, because everything that works on an celebrity dosen't work for us. Also because the celebrity thats in the commercial probaly didn't use the produst, they just wanted us to buy the product. Another reason is because all though they make the celebrity look nice and happy they are probaly not using the product they are in the commercial for. They are probaly using something else.

Anonymous said...

When I see a commercial that has a celebritie in it, I am more likely to buy the product. I would because, they make the product look good, so it makes me want to buy it. The Pepsi commercial with Justin Timberlake in it had made me want to go and get a Pepsi, because I like Justin Timberlake. Also, the one with Michel Jackson in it would make those who like him, want to buy a Pepsi. So, yeah when I see a commercial with a celeberitie in it, it makes me want to go out an get that product right away.

Nina M.

Anonymous said...

If I want a something I am mostly to get it wether a celebritie is in it or not. Because a Celebrities are people to try just have more money. Also celebrites cant change my mind just by one advertment. The vidoe I likes the most was the Justin Timberlake one. I thought it was funny.

Maddison H.

Anonymous said...

Shanelle T.
3rd hour

No having a celebrity advertis your product dose not make you want to buy it.just because a celebrity drink it dose not mean you like it.some people my not like the people advertising the product.celebrity advertising it dose make a big differnce if you like it.

Anonymous said...


No, It do not have an effct on kids beacause the famous person him/her might not even drink it just endorse it to just get money some of the famous people do drink it but not like they should so no it do not change nothing at all

Anonymous said...

Taylor C..

No having a celebrity advertiseing the product does not make me want to buy it more because.. just because a celebrity is advertising it does'nt nake it good. And also having a celebrity that i dont like can affect if i want pepsi. Also just because a celebrity is advertising it does not mean it i like it.. Also i dont know if i can have a bad reaction to it.

Anonymous said...

Patty D.
4th hour

5 sentences...

Anonymous said...

Austin T.
4th Hour
yes i think having a celebrity advertise a commercial becase people look up to them. They also want to be like them. Maybe look like them. Maybe they love them and want something they used. And last because they might just want the product so they could where the same thing as the celebrity.

Anonymous said...

Alena W.
4th hour.

Yeah, i think it helps for the selling of the product. The music makes the commercial better and more intertaining. If there wasn't a celebrity people might not want to buy it as much. With the celebrity, they might look good or cool with that product, so people would prefer to buy it because it looks cool with the celebrity.

Anonymous said...

4th hour

Yes' i think advertisments with celeberties in them do influence me to use that The reason for that is beacuse i fel thatif i use that product i would be like that celebertie.I also feel that it would make me even better than i already am. another reason is beacuse i think it would make everybody see me in a different way. Thats why i think useing products by celeberties infleuence me.

Anonymous said...

Demetrius W


Anonymous said...

Julian R.

I liked almost all of the pepsi ads, my favorites were the Micheal Jackson pepsi generation and the Justin Timbelake one.The ads literally use star power to sell their products, it works.The ads make the water dripping down the can look sweet, and makes you think you'll enjoy it all the way through.The ads were creative, excluding the robert patterson one,(as much as I like the song, it was just the video with pepsi shots added to it R.I.P Rob) and the Micheal Jackson one was okay(R.I.P) the ads overall make me wanna go get a pepsi, even though I don't like soda.

Anonymous said...

Haley V.
4th hr

Um. Yes and no. In my head, if i see a commercial with a celeb i might take a closer look. And when people see a celeb they like, of course their goin get interested. Their going to think oh i have to have it if they use it. But some people may think oh their just scams or whatever because maybe they used a product that didnt work for them.(The videos were straight)!

Anonymous said...

Heather D.
4th hour

No, I don't think that having a celebrity in a commercial really matters to me.If you like the product then why should it matter if a celebrity uses it or not.Even though the celebrity might not even use it.When people see the celebrity in a commercial they think "oh I have to have that because this celebrity uses it." Well no you don't have to have it because its probably just going to be a waste of your money.Then these people that think they have to have this product will spend all the money they have on it.Then the people will have no money and will think I still have to have this product so they decide to steal it.

Anonymous said...

Stanley S.
4th hour

No,having a celebrity in a ad doesnt influence me to buy the product. It doesn,t influence me because I pay attention to prices. A celedbrity has nothing to do with you spending your money. Most of the time the products are made up with photo shop and arent realy how they look on tv. Another reason is because some of the celebritys ads use you might not like or look up to that celebrity. Using a celeb is cool but you should not let it get to you

Anonymous said...

Ramon A.

I liked most the videos. But the one i liked the most is the Michael Jackson and that whis cool and the kid at like michael jackson i like that videos.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think that all the videos were soooooooooo funny!!! Also i think that it does influence the buyer to buy the product because when you have a celeberty in the commercial or product then people will think that its cool to buy the product. Also i loved the justin timberlake one! :) I love pepsi! :) Mmmmmmm i want some i also think that people want to buy the product because they photoshop the celeberties to make them look amazing so that people think that they can also look good too.

Katelyn. S :):):):):):):)
5th hour
Mrs. Denton
Media Literacy

Anonymous said...

Philip E.
5th hr.

I really liked this ad. i liked this ad because michael jackson is my idol. But yes seeing celebrities on ads make me want to buy it but only if i like that celebrity. I only will buy it because i think if a celebrity will buy or use it i should use it to see if i like it or not.I like michael jackson because he made a change in my life he showed me a lot of things.

Anonymous said...

Yes I think having celebrities in a commerical influence me to buy the product because if my favorite celebrity have it or use it that make me feel like I should get it because it might be a good product.! :)

Diamond-Jade L.

Anonymous said...

yes, because they want more people to buy the shoes.They put Lebron James in the commercial because they want people to know who shoe it is.And a lot of people wear his shoes, because they ARE GOOD BASKETBALL SHOES TO PLAY IN

Shaquille M.

Anonymous said...

Tyler Bellis

Yes, I think that having a celeberty will help your commercial because Michael Phelps with the nike swim you don't just get a regular guy you get the best swimmer in the world. But if they just pick a regular guy they pick the best guys. Also if they want you to buy there product they try there best to get the best celeberty to get you to buy the product. But it is still a good thing to have a celeberty on your commercial. So that is why I think that having a celeberty is a good thing for a commercial.

Anonymous said...

Nicole R.
5th Hour

No , celebrities dont influence me to buy a protuct. Mostly because the commercial has nothing to do with the product they are selling . Celebrities in commercials are kinda cool though and entertaining and fun to watch. Also most of the commercials are really and funny . They might make other people want to buy there product but not me.

Anonymous said...

I likd most of the videos. they all explained the ad or the product. The one i favored the most is the jordan. It really had me wanting it again.also I liked the one who was the war hawk.

Melvin I.

Anonymous said...

5th hour.

Yes I think that putting a celeberty in a comercial would help sale a item. I liked the nike comercials more because they some of my favorite basketball players in them.The one when they were dribbling to the beat was cool.They were very cool but I like them better because basketball players were in them. Nike sells a lot more items because nba and nfl players are in them.

Tarrish B.

Anonymous said...

Reael F.
5th Hour

No I dont think having a celebrity in an advertisement influences me to purchase produts. I dont think having a celebrity advertise a product influences me to buy it because I already like pepsi, so I will buy it regardless. Im not fans of some celebrities who are in commercials. I dont think you should buy something just because a celebrity might have it. You should like your own things and just be unique.

Anonymous said...

I thought that the Micheal Jackson and justin Timberlake videos were cool and just because a celebrity is on TV selling a product I would buy just because their on it I would buy it because i feel like or migth need it

Anonymous said...

Kelvon B.
5th hour

Yes having a celebrity in an advertisment influence me to purchase the products because the celebrity might be my favorite and the product they have might be a good product. The Lebron James commercials is really funny and good. I like nike it is a really good shoe. Also I like Lebron James he is a very good basketball player.

Anonymous said...

No not really because the celebrity has nothing to do the product. Its how they make the commercial not what celebrities are in it or how many. Ashton Kucther is in a camera commercail and you dont see me going out and buying the camera. the celebrites to me are just a prop they just add you could a little spice to the product.the only reason why they put the celebrity in the commercial is so they can get peoples attention at home and make them them think oh so that celebrity likes this maybe I should go buy it and it will work for me the celebrities are just in it for the money sometimes they dont even like the product.

Rondai W.

Anonymous said...

Rashard Blount
5th hour

Iliked the videos of Micheal Jackson and Justin Timberlake but I wouldn't buy a product just because it had a celebrity advertise it id buy it because i migth need it

Anonymous said...

Nikayla N.
5th hour

Yes, i think that haveing a celebrity advertise a product influences me to buy a product becuase when you see someone that you know it makes you look at the product and want to buy it. Also becuase it might make you want to be more like the celbrity if you do or use what they use. Advertisment people think that people look up and admire celebrities for some reason, so they use them to get people to buy the products. I yjiink that when they use people i like it makes me more interested in the product. It makes me look at the product and pay attention to it wich gives it a greater chance that ill buy it. Over all my anser is yes i think when seeing a celbrity in an advertisement it influences me to but that product more than if the celbrity wasnt in the advertisement.

Nikayla N.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Autumn M.
No the commercials dont make me want to buy that product..However they do make me stat thinking about it. Like if you watch a tv and see those commercials you might say "im thirsty no that i saw that comm. Also when i see it it just make me laugh. But all together i do like thouse com.they just dont make me want to buy it.

Anonymous said...

Shane L.
6th hour

No a celebrity does not help make me choose a prouduct. I want a product depending on what it does. I just want the product to work well and have a good price. Celebrities can lie so they can get money. If they want me to buy it they should do a test.

Anonymous said...

Blake H.
6th hour

I think the celebrites do make me want to buy a product more because they catch your attention more then just regular people. For example the Pepsi commercial with Justin Timberlake. In the begging of the commercial there was a group of people talking but the first person you would notice is Justin. Because he is a celebrity. That is why commercials with celebrities are more likely to sell the product.

Anonymous said...

Delante R.
6th hr

I think most of the advertisments were not that great as they thought they were to me. From my opinion I thought the ad that had basketball tricks. I think they should have shown more shoe scenes.
I they think they do sell more products from celebritys advertisements

Anonymous said...

Meesha B.

1.Yes I would because a few were funny.

2.My favorite one was the basketball tricks because a few were silly.

3.It is cool to have celeberties in commercials.

4.I want to buy the product because they make the product look good.

5.It is a better product because they are in it.

Anonymous said...

6th hour
I thing that there us celebrities in ad's becuse. They thing that it helps them to sell they products and people look up to celebrities. They also us funny ad's like the justin timberlake ad. Our they put songs in there ad's to make it sound good.Also to get your more interresed in there ad.

Anonymous said...

6th hour

Yes i think using celebrities in advertisements beacuse alot of people look up to these celebreties.Like Micheal Jackson was an icon to pop music and people would want to copy him and do exactly as he does. Also because alot of kids want to be famous when they grow up so they act like other superstars that are famous. And lastly people like Ray Charles and Micheal Jackson died in history and those commercials can be a memorial to thier great work. In conclusion i think that commercials need celebrities to endorse thier product and make it sell more.

Anonymous said...

I relly liked the videos.I think that the videos make people want to buy them so they inclued celeberites.They think hey kids idolize so in so why not put them in our commercail and maybe mo kids will buy our product.

karon d.

Anonymous said...

Nar Vae Pass

Yes think that using celebrities
is useful.Because a lot of poeple
look up to things like pipsi.And
that it mate be something that you want.And that they would want money.And that it is good to buy things.

Anonymous said...

Even though I don't really mind whether or not there are celebrities in commercials, I do find them more enjoyable when I know who takes place in what I'm watching. In the end though, having stars in the commercials don't make me want the product any more or any less, I just find them more entertaining. Other people obviously think otherwise, that's why today you see more ad's with celebrities than any other. Ad's with celebrities also make me think if it is real, because they are being paid so much. I did enjoy those ad's (pepsi ones)anyways.

Natalie L.
Seventh hour

Anonymous said...

I think that some comersialls using celebraties makes me want to buy that product. Like in the pepsi with Michel Jackson vidio at the end i reallly wated a pepsi. But some other people might not want to afterwards cause they have their own opinion. plus using celebraties it makes it more amussing to watch the whole comercial, and at the end you want to buy thay product. But in my opinion i would buy that product (pepsi) because of the celeberties and because i like pepsi better then coke so yeah. And i did like those comercials and i would buy pepsi.

Anonymous said...

Jaedyn Vincent
7th Hour

Yes, I think that celebretty endorsing a product does cause more people to buy it. My reason for thinking this is it is not every day you get to see a celebretty. So they put them on their products so that you will think that "that's what they drink all the time so I want to drink that to." So I think that celebretty endorsment really effects products and their sales.

Anonymous said...

No, a celebrity in an advertisment doesn't influence my purchase to the product. It doesn't influence it because they might say they like it, or is a good product to use but it could be so bad or doesn't work like it says it does. The celebrity's in the advertisments can just be talkin and saying what you want to hear. I'm mean how could you believe them their getting paid to say that, cause if they really liked it they would just be out saying how good it is and everything. Thats why you can't go off of what you see in celebrity advertisment!

Latrese Ryles
7th hour

Anonymous said...

Jessica G.
I think that if you have a celbrity in the commercial other people are going to buy it. Also I think that if you have a celebrity in a commercial other people are going to follow in ther foot-steps and drink what they drink and eat what they eat. I think it really does matter if you have a celebrity in a commercial because if an ordinary person did a commercial alot of people would ot buy that product. But if it was Beyonce or R. Kelly everyone would be buying that product.

Anonymous said...

Stone F.
7th hour

Having a celeberity in the advertisement will some times make me want to buy the product. It usally depends on the product and the celeberity who is on the add. If it is a product for a girl like cover girl than i wont want to buy it if it is something for a boy then it depends on the product. If the celebrity is come one i know like michale jordan than i would buy it if it was shoes.

Anonymous said...

7th hour

yes! having celebrites in the prduct makes you want tno buy it. Because if the clebrite uses the prduct then you want to use the prduct. And if you buf the prduct it turns out that you arnt reely going to act the same way as th star did. And if you buf it the compay gets your money. Ad the celebrity that is in the prduct gets half the money uf pay for.

Anonymous said...

shawn d.
7 hour

yes becouse you will pay more atention to it we you see you faverit person drinking it. you will wont to be just like him.but also it will be more funer to watch.and some people will do anything celebertes till you.

Anonymous said...

LaQuita Harris
7th Hour

Having an celeb. in an commercial doesnt influence me to buy the product. It doenst influence me to buy the product because the celeb is just trying to make us buy purchase the product. In the pepsi commercials they where saying how great pepsi is but it really isnt good for us at all. Some people want to be just like celebs, so they try to do what they do like drink pepsi. Celebs dont influence me to buy anything. The people are just trying to make money off of us and that is not right at all.

Anonymous said...

Chris R.
7th hour

Having a celebrity advertisment a product, will make me go out get and it becaues, it will be big product.and i will look at it more than aother product.

Anonymous said...

Yes serlebids do inflens me becaes I think I will pay atechen to some serlebids more than just sum ome on TV.

Anonymous said...

Darian M.
7th hr.

I think having a celebrity in a ad makes people pay attention more. If a celebrity is in a ad people will sit and watch before thinking about it. After they watch the ad they will think about buying it. If a regular person was in it people wouldnt pay attention. So yes celebritys are more attractive for ads.

Anonymous said...

yes a celebirty in a advertisment influence me to buy a product because i want to have what they have.

Tyrell B.

Anonymous said...

Yes it does. It helps because people that like that celebrity will pay attention to the advertisement. The one I liked the most was the one with Lebron James. The avertisment with Lebron James made me laugh.

Quadir G.

Anonymous said...

Yes, i think it does because if people see celebertiys they know and like it probably change the way they look at that product and make them want it.

Kailie K .

Anonymous said...

sometimes if i know the celebrities, and think that the advertisment makes since, but if I dont like the product or know its not real then it probably wont make me want to buy it. unless the advertisment shows it works. but i wouldnt buy something because of a celebrity.

Brianna O.

Anonymous said...

Having a celebrity in an advertisment doesn't influence me to purchasing the product.It doesn't influence me because I don't buy things in commericals.Just because celebrities use it doesn't mean anything. Most products on advertisments doesn't work. The people who advertise the products lie about the product.

Anonymous said...

Taylor H. 5th Hour

Having a celebrity in an add does not make me want 2 buy it. But if it is supporting that particular person in a good way then I would be tempted to buy that certain product. But most of the time I would not be tempted to buy it.

Anonymous said...

Having a celebrity in an advertisment doesn't influence me to purchasing the product.It doesn't influence me because I don't buy things in commericals.Just because celebrities use it doesn't mean anything. Most products on advertisments doesn't work. The people who advertise the products lie about the product

DaZhane J. 5th

Anonymous said...

yeah,i liked all the videos but expecialy Justin timberlake, im a huge fan of him.
they do sell more products,and expecialy when u are a huge fan of someone u go and buy.
people like celeberties because they look nice and thats another reason for people buying products.

Anonymous said...

Diamond M. 5th hr

yeah,i liked all the videos but expecialy Justin timberlake, im a huge fan of him.
they do sell more products,and expecialy when u are a huge fan of someone u go and buy.
people like celeberties because they look nice and thats another reason for people buying products.

Anonymous said...

I think that the celebrities thats in the adverstising doesnt make the product sell.Just because a celebritie iz trying to help sell the product dat doesnt make me want to buy it because how do u know that the celebritie use that product.Also putting celebraties in the paper or on the advertisement dont make somebody wanna buy it its wat the product does to make a person buy.Celebrities are no differnt then a regular humanbean.

Jeremiah K. 6th hr

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, celebreties influence me to buy a product but not all the time. They really only inflence me if that I like that celebrity then, I might actually buy that product cause I think it would be cool to like the same thing as that celebrity. But if there selling useless products then i would just change the channel or flip the page or even just look/ walk away. But for my family they just ingnore that comercial and change the channel. But if it;s a good product like pepsi then i will crave one and go buy one at a store neer me, so yeah using celebrities in ad's do influence me to buy that product.

Lily Duncan...<333
7th hour!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Theresa A

7th hour

No having a celebrity in a commercial does not make me want to buy a product . Because just having a celebrity in a commercial dose not mean anything. Having a celebrity is nothing to have in a commercial , but to convince someone but not me . I say no because just because a celebrity is in the commercial , I dose it has to do with buying the product.I say no because the celebrity just dont convince meat all , because the celebrity is not the main thing about the product.

Anonymous said...

Theresa A

7th hour

No having a celebrity in a commercial does not make me want to buy a product . Because just having a celebrity in a commercial dose not mean anything. Having a celebrity is nothing to have in a commercial , but to convince someone but not me . I say no because just because a celebrity is in the commercial , I dose it has to do with buying the product.I say no because the celebrity just dont convince meat all , because the celebrity is not the main thing about the product.

Anonymous said...

Caevaughn S.

Yes cause a celebrity can have the influence on what they sell. They can use the product and add their own kind of thing into it.I think that they can make anyone buy it and what think about it. They also want the product and try to see how much people love it or like it.I also think that most celebites try to make it fell popular and grab the viewers attention and let them know what it is to them.

Anonymous said...

Tymeria K. 7th hour

I think a picture is worth a thousand words means what you think sbout a picture. Or, how powerful a picture is. Yes, I do think it's true. I think it's true because a picture can have more than just one meaning. It can mean happy, sad, or beautiful, it can mean anything. For an example, the picture with the 911. So many people died. It can bring so many emotions. Some people said they might have wanted it to happen. Which is not a good thing. This is why I say a picture is worth a thousand words.