Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog Post #2- Bullying

Directions-Answer the following question in the comments section:

Why does bullying need to stop?

* Write your answer in the comments section.
* Use at least 5 sentences.
* Correct grammar and spelling must be used.
* Do not use your last name.
* Include your hour.
* When posting, use the anonymous setting.

Follow the example of the first comment.


Anonymous said...

Susie Q.
1st Hour

Bullying needs to stop because it is hurting people. Life is hard as it is. It is unecessary to make like harder by bullying. Furthermore, bullying can lead to unintended consequences. I plan on putting a stop to bullying whenever and wherever I see it happening.

Anonymous said...

Elijah z.
3rd Hour

Bullying is a realy hard subject to talk about because too many people do it you know. Alot of people dont like other people for many reasons that dont exist. Lots of problems with bullying.

Anonymous said...

Morgan H.
3rd hour

Bullying needs to stop because it can lead kids to de really stupid and hurtful things. Bullying can lead to kids hurting themselves. And even worse if the bullying is bad enough it could possibly lead them to suicide. Sometimes bullies don't understand what it would be like to be on the other side of all the harassment. Until they make someone do something they'll regret and that they are part responsible for.

Anonymous said...

D'Andre H.
3rd Hour

Bullying needs to stop because people are causing suicide from bullying. Also it needs to stop because the people that are getting bullyed there life is getting harder and harder to deal with. Another thing is that people's life is getting shorter by the minute because of suicidal thoughts from bullying. Another way bullying needs to stop is that others are getting tired of it. Last thing is that if I see someone getting bullyed i will help them.

Anonymous said...

Jaida D.
3rd Hour
Bullying needs to stop because of numerous reasons such as peoples feelings.Everyone needs to consider peoples feelings to get along with eachother,with that being said bullying effects people in many ways which can cause self bodyily harm or possibly sucicude. to stop BULLYING you could tell the bully to "fall back". In this day and age there has been more bullies then anything...

Anonymous said...

Aaron G.

3rd Hour
Bullying needs to stop because it is making people do stuff they dont want to do. Also it forces people to bully other people. When the people get bullied their life gets harder and harder everyday. Bully can also lead the person that is doing the bullying to unexpected consequences. I have a plan to stop bullying whenever I see it happening to someone else.

Anonymous said...

Amanda R.
3rd Hour.

I believe, that Bullying needs to stop because its mean, & that those words will always stick with you. Bullying, can lead to a misslion different things. Kids hurting themselves, & even possible suicide. Bulluing leaves perment damaged. It's like the words are tattooed on you. Even if you look strong, in the inside you still have feelings. I think that bullying needs to stop because its such a big issue, & I think that if we stopped saying all these mean words, & etc. Their wouldn't be suicidal casses about this.


Anonymous said...

Hailey S.
3rd hour

Bullying needs to stop because it hurts kids emotionally an sometimes physically. Kids don't think about what they say to or about other kids, they just go with the crowd or they're friends that they try to impress to look cool. But what they don't know is that they are hurting other kids an there friends by saying the hurtsful things about or to them. Most things that people say to or about others stick to them an sometimes never go away, and some kids could or would kill themselves because they are so sad an feel alone that they feel like they don't belong. It's sad what happen to kids who are bullied by other kids, that's why bullinging needs to stop.

Anonymous said...

Elijah D.
3rd Hour

Bullying is the most ignorant thing to do. It's hurtful and sometimes deadly if gone to the extreme. If I see anyone getting bullied I am gonna set them straight.

Anonymous said...

Andrea M
3rd hour

I think bullying need to stop because its mean. Another reason is because people die from bullying. Most peopel run away because of bullying. Some people think about end they'er life because of bullying.

Anonymous said...

Rose C.
3rd Hour

Bullying needs to stop because it can effect people in different ways like for example they would probably think about killing them selves. Another reason why it needs to stop is because it makes the person feel more insecure about themselves. It also makes the persons life harder then what it really is. Also it can get out hand and turn it into a fight and get both people suspended. The last reason why bullying needs to stop is because it can effect the people around you even though there not the people getting bullied.

Anonymous said...

Michael H.
3rd Hour

Byllying is a big problem in sociaty and needs to stop. Bullies think just becuase they are bigger or stronger then someone they ca use them to get what ever they want. All i have to say is that people like that are insecure and can't control their anger.

Anonymous said...

Joslynn F.
3rd hour

Bullying should stop because hurting people is wrong. No one deserves to be bullied, especially if they don't really have any friends. If anyone is being bullied they shouldn't fight back with violence because it could end up with serious consequences. I don't see why people do it anyway. Bullying is pointless and no one should put up with it.

Anonymous said...

Bree M.
3rd hour

Bullying needs to stop now because it does not but make things harder for people. How would you like it if someone called you a nasty annoying name everday? How long would you take it? How would you respond to it? You should not bully someone because you don not know their history. Something very tragic could have happened and saying such disgusting things can make them want to give up completely in life. Verbally, phisically, and over text or internet, it can stay with someone mentally for as long as they live. Bullying doesn't make you cooler, it makes you seem like your the kind of person no one wants to be around. If you ever see someone being bullied in any way, stand up for them! So if they see you being bullied they can save you.

Anonymous said...

Ivy C.
3rd hour

I think bulling is a constant thing. See what people dont relize is that bulling can lead to death. Life is already hard enough, and when you bully someone you are just makeing it much harder. Most people think when you post something on the internet that you can just take it off well you cant. So please take what i said seriously and stop bulling.

Anonymous said...

Kayla M.
3rd Hour

I think bullying is bad because God made us the way he wanted us. Everybody is special in there on way so why bully them nobody's perfect. Bullying can lead to suicide and furthermore so stop and think. How would you feel if someone was bully you? Treat others with respect like you would want to be treated. You only have one life so live it right.

Anonymous said...

Chianne C.
3rd hour

Bullying needs to stop because when you bully you hurt people reallyg badly. You wouldn't want anygone to bully you so why do it to other people. It hurts them emotionally. How it hurts them emotionally you make them not care about themselves they go into depression and are never happy or having hurts them physically because some might want to commit suicide or some might acctually commit it. You don't know what tfhey have to go through when they are at home. They could be adopted might have only one parent or no parents at all and live with other family members and some don't evn know thier family members to live with. Maybe you should think about that the next time you talk about someone or bully them. Carma they might turn out to be the rich one and you can turn out to be the one being made fun of.

Anonymous said...

Jayla J. 3rd hour
It is bad to make fun of somebody beacuse if someone makes fun of someone else it could lead to something else and the person can get into serious trouble or the person could have charges to pay.

Anonymous said...

3st hour
is bad to make fun out people.the makes people not nice.the makes me crie.som people not nice and this life

october 29,2010 10:30

Anonymous said...

Elijah D.
3rd Hour

Bullying is the most ignorant thing to do. It's hurtful and sometimes deadly if gone to the extreme. If I see anyone getting bullied I am gonna set them straight. Bullying may not seem hurtful to the bully but it does to the person who is bullied and they need to realize that. So all in all bullying needs to be stop and I will help out with that

Anonymous said...

Lonzie R.
3rd Hour

Bullying needs to stop because, if you were bulllied by someone you would want them to stop. Well why are you doing it, it needs to stop immediately. Bullying can lead to serious stress issues for the person getting bullied they might run away, commit suicide.
Bullying also makes the persons life very hard and you can also make them feel like there notning.
All I'm saying is that bullying isn't good and it needs to stop now.

Anonymous said...

cyarira T.
3rd hour
Bullying need to stop beacuse people can get hurt. And the second one is it is mean to bully someone just because you are mad. You bully someone because thay bullyed you so you bully them it is hard on them. You might not now what is going on in there is crewl.

Anonymous said...

RaNia B.
4th Hour

Bullying needs to stop because it is really hurting people. It makes them want to kill there self thats how much the bully`s are hurting these people.They should treat people as they want to be treated. So this why we should STOP the bullying. So dont take it out on other people for your anger.

Anonymous said...

BillyDon L.
4th hour

Bullying sucks. No one likes to be bullied. If you see someone getting teased you should help them. Bullying can make people kill them self. Life is already kinda hard so why make it harder for people?

Anonymous said...

John L.
4th Hour

Bullying should stop because it can actually injure people in reality. It makes the person being bullied more depressed and sad. Sometimes, the person being bullied may commit suicide. If you see anyone being teased, you should stop them. People shouldn't make life harder as it is.

Anonymous said...

4th Hour

I believe that bullying needs to stop because there's really no point to it.Because all it does is cause hurt and pain to others.I believe that bullys are just people how a not happy.With themselves and thats why I believe people bully because that little time of hurting someone makes them feel better about themselves.

Anonymous said...

Tyler D.

Bullying is a much bigger topic then everybody thinks. It happens all the time and most people just ignore it. And now one is stoping it because they don't want to get picked on for protecting them. If more adults were around when they were not they would see how bad it gets. It needs to stop because it can ruin lives, and get realy extreme in somecases because it happens 24/7. And you can only take so much.

Anonymous said...

Kayla O.
4th hour,

I thing that bullying needs to stop because it can lead to kids doing hurtful things, like committing suicide, and or murder. things are getting way to out of hand to let this continue. This should have been taken care of a long time ago, when all of this started. Bullying should never ever be let go when it happens. Bullying is a very serious thing. I think people let it go, when they should not. The words and actions people use can use stick with you for a lifetime. Bullying needs to stop...ASAP. Life is hard by itself. People do not need to make it worse by doing uncalled for things. None of this is necessary, and yet, people continue to do it. I intend on putting a stop to it whenever and wherever i see it happening. Bullying is awful, and as a community we need to make it stop. <3

Anonymous said...

Ciara T.
4th Hour

Bullying is a deadly thing to do. Some people are dying from bullying.You should treat others like you want to be treated, and nobody wants to be bullied. When being bullied you feel unwanted and mistreated, and that is not what you should feel like at any times. All in all, bullying is the most hurtful thing anybody should do!

Anonymous said...

4th hour

I still dont know why people bully eachother it make's no sense, it dosent make you cool or tough it's just stupid. while you think its a joke they may take it seriously and in some case's kill themselves or ect. and if any of that happened how would you feel you could go crazy just saying.

Anonymous said...

Caleb H.

Bullying is a bigger problem than we think. Its hurting many people verbally by saying mean names and also physiclly because the person may not know how to express there sadness so the hurt or kill them selves,it's causeing many kids and teenagers to commit suicide. Cyberbullying is also a big problem,people also try to get back at others by makeing fake profiles and saying mean things. It's also a problem becuase the people dont have to be face to face now people can do it 24/7 if they want! Bullying and cyberbulling are serious problems and I want to put a stop to it whenever I see it!

Anonymous said...

Jade H.
4th Hour

Bulling is a hurtful thing to do.When your bulling someone you think itwill go away but it will stay.If you push that person to much it maybe will hit them the wrong way and something bad will happen to them.If you dont want to be bulled dont do it to other people because they will feel the same way.Bulling is hard not to do because somtimes you dont even know when your doing it.

Anonymous said...

Janay L.
4th Hour

Bullying needs to stop for numerous reasons. First of all it hurts the victims emotionally.It makes them sad and angry.Secondly it hurts them physically. They might think about comiting suicide because they think no one like s them. Lastly, bullying is just rude and mean. You never know what people go through at home so you shouldn't bully them.That's why I think bullying needs to stop.

Anonymous said...

Ashley G.
4th hour.

Bullying needs to stop! I think this because it is hurting innocent people, its not there fault if there not as good looking as you, or if there not as smart, ect. Were all people and we all have feelings. Words can hurt more then we say and think they will, They stick with people no matter what. Bullying can lead to very serious cases were the victom of the bullying goes into depression, Or even worse when they decide there life isn't worth living anymore. All in all bullying needs to stop, and i intend to help the victoms of bullying whenever i see it.

Anonymous said...

Jalana B.
4th hour

Bullying needs to stop because it can cause death. It can hurt people and if people can hurt other people till death that is not a good person. People need to stop and think next time you want to talk about someone think about some one talking about.

Anonymous said...

Robert T.
4th hour
Bullying needs to be stop because
people's self of steem can go down.
It can make people want to kill them self. It can make them want to kill other people. It can make them not want to talk to people.It hurts people.

Anonymous said...

Renee S.
4th hour

Bullying needs to be stopped because its hurting people. Bullying is something that can end people's lives. Bullying is something that people don't understand that hurts people. If you see someone being bullied You should stop it. Bullying should be stopped.

Anonymous said...

Trevon W.
4th hour

Bullying needs to stop because people are getting there feelings hurt. Some people kill there sellf because of what people say to them. People stalk people with verbal abuse. Bullying can also lead to many consequences. We need to stop cyber bullying. Think about the consequences before you bully someone.

Anonymous said...

Deja W.
4th Hour

Bullying needs to stop because it kills. After so long people get sick and tired of bullying and they just want their pain and suffering to be over, so they kill themselves. Bullying can also hurts others feelings. Even if they don't take it to the extreme and kill themselves it still hurts. Bullying has become very popular in out society and it needs to be put to an end.

Anonymous said...

Jessika S.
3rd Hour

Bulling needs to stop because it really hurts people. Not just physicly but emotionly too. It can make them feel very upset and self concious. If your actually beating them up, it doesn't feel to good either. They think it's fun, but it's just wrong.

Anonymous said...

Nakahajee. H.
3rd Hour

Bullying need to stop because its making people do stuff to kill theme self because people are bullying. Bullying is never going to stop because the people that are bullying are doing it because they dont feel good about they self. Bullying is like having a job bt only its only being bullyd. So i think all people should just not do it and let other people be because if not more and more teens are going to kill there self because of bullying.

Anonymous said...

Dastiney L.
4th hour

Bullying needs to stop because it hurts poeple. bullying could affect your lifetime and the words that people hurt you with can stay with you forever. bullying hurts alot and it can lead into seriouse damage such as suicide , abuse , heart break and many more things. If you bully people you never know what there goin threw at home and if they life is hard as it is so you really shouldnt bully because it messes/hurts a person up more in side. The person thats the bully can also be in seriouse troble because you can be charged with a SERIOUSE CRIME. So remember dont bully it's a bad choice to make in life and you wouldnt want anyone to bully you.

Anonymous said...

Adrian C.
4th Hour
Bullying needs to stop.I say that because you would not want to be treated the way u treaat somebody else.Also if you bully someone you will hurt their feelings and they might do commet sucide and u will have consequnces. Any way it goes you going to get an trouble by the law.also you will go to jail.Sincerly thats why i think bullying should stop.

Anonymous said...

Danielle H.
5th hour

Bullying need to stop because its not nice. It can hurt people phycially and mentally. Its a very unecessary.Some people even think about killing there self. Some people actually do.

Anonymous said...

Elisha S
5th Hour
I Think Bulling should stop because people go around the school sad and sometimes it could be your friend and you want to know whats wrong with them and it hurts people really bad they cry they try to kill them self.

Anonymous said...

Nakiea W.
5th hour

bulling need to stop because you are hurting other with your words.your going to get in trouble.if it gets out of hand you can get arrested.if you try to defend your self your showing your feelings which is going to make the bully want to do even more.bullying is not good at all cause it doent make you popular it makes people talk about you.

Anonymous said...

Madison T.
5th hour

Bulling needs so stop for several reasons. One reason is because many people have killed there selves beacause of it.Another reason is beacause people may end up killingother people bacause of the anger built of inside of them.Lastly bulling needs to stop because its hurting people around the world physically, mentally,and also emotionlly.

Anonymous said...

Gabrielle v.
5th Hour

Bullying.There is no reason for it. It hurts people who don't need to be hurt. It needs to stop, the countless lives that are lost every year to it have no reason to be lost. It needs to be put to rest, you might say that it feels good when you bully someone, but in the end it won't. It's gone on for too long with no resolution, but we can change that, step in when someone is bullied, talk to people you know are bullies become their friend and maybe then they will start to see the bright side. There is no reason to bully, so don't!

Anonymous said...

Koron W.
5th Hour

Bullying needs to stop because its hurting people. Not only physically but emotionally. People only see bullying as jokes, but the person being bullied is being hurt. I've witnessed people first hand be bullied and even they themselves laugh it off, only to find out later that it is hurting them. Bullying can hurt. I plan to help whenever I can.

Anonymous said...

5th Hour

Bullying needs to stop because it is affecting people in harsh ways. Kids shouldn't have to live in misery because of other people. Life is made to be a good thing where people get along, not where people should be made fun of or taunted. You should always think before you say. If I see someone getting bullied, I will make sure to stop the person who is committing the soon to be crime.

Anonymous said...

Jack G.
5th hr

I think that bullying is a bad thing thats going on everywhere at schools.So with us as a school we can put a stop to it before it gets worse.Everybudy can treat others with respect and help them with anything they need.My theroy is that its important to know how bad this is and how others are being treated.We can make this school a better place for others in this community.

Anonymous said...

5th hour

Bullying needs to stop because it’s affecting other people’s lives. It can distract them from succeeding there goals in life. And can hurt people mentally and physically.It needs to stop.

Anonymous said...

Melissa N
5th hour
Bullying needs to stop it is destroying people. So many kids know how to hurt people Psychologically. They hate someone for no reason. Bullied kids end up if they do not kill themselves, become bullies them selves.What goes around comes around,you should treat people how you want to be treatded. Life is hard for people enough as it is dont make it harder.

Anonymous said...

Kameron G.
5th hour

Bullying needs to stop for several reasons. One reason why bullying needs to stop is because it damages children or even adults self confidence. Another reason why bullying should stop is because its raising the suicidal rate for teens. Bullying can hurt people in many ways, so if you a bully you should think before you make fun of someone. The last reason why bullying should stop is because it's just not right all around. Being a bully is a crime in my eyes so you shouldn't do it.

Anonymous said...

Dasia B.
5th hr.

I think bullying needs to stop because it can hurt people, literally. There are many stories about kids killing themselves because of constant bullying. Bullying is physical and verbal abuse and both can hurt someone. It needs to stop,there needs to be a rule because thats to many kids commiting suicide. Its not only bullying at school, theres also cyberbullying. People are now texting, and sending them through e-mail and online chatrooms. There needs to be a law on it and soon.

Anonymous said...

Ashlee V.
5th Hour

I think Bullying needs to stop for many reasons. One reason is becuase many kids all over the world are killing or hurting themselves becuase of bullying. Another reason why bullying needs to stop is becuase not all kids are strong enough to tell someone about what is really going on. They just keep it inside and one day some will be at the point to where they just cant take it anymore. Almost all teens have beeen bullied or have bullied someone themsleves, and if I could I would stop bullying becuase it is not the right thing to do!

Anonymous said...

Tarrita C.
5th hour

bullying should stop because it mean and people that billy other people know that they would'nt want to be bullied , so why do it to others.Also the worst part ids being bullied by other people can distract your learning!!!And thats not good.You can be a help by not bulling others and if you see a person being a bully go get a grown-up right away.

Anonymous said...

5th Hour

Bullying needs to stop because the bully can hurt someone or something. Little kids could pick up bad habits from bullying. Life is hard enough with out people bulling someone. Bullying is can effect many people in many was. Bullying can be anything to makeing someone do something to hurting someone.

Anonymous said...

Marquin S.
5th Hour

Bullying needs to stop because you hurt people in one way or another. When you talk mean about someone to others and they find out the words can hurt them. When you put your hands on someone and hurt them everyday you are bullying that person. You should not hurt people because it’s wrong to hurt them. While you’re bullying that person they won’t be able to focus on their school work. Plus when they know you’re going to hurt them they might end up hurting themselves and your future can be crushed.

Anonymous said...

chamari B.
1st hour

Bullying needs to stop beacause if it were you you would be hurt to. No matter how you define yourself if you bully others will look at you in a very different way. You should ask yourself if it wouldnt be nice for someone to say it to you then you shouldnt say it to anyone because remember words hurt. So dont do it you're basically saving a life!!

Anonymous said...

Madison T.
5th hour

Bulling is wrong and effects everyone. People are killing them self because of it. Some people are killing other people because they have so much anger inside of them. If u would,nt want to be bullied why do it to someone else?
Just think before you act so you wont end up with federal charges of bulling someone to death.

Anonymous said...

Joeseph E.
5th Hour

Bullying is a horibble thing that no one should go threw.Cyberbulling is even worse beacause bullies can conquer there victims in new ways, like facebook and myspace.I believe that bullying can be stop if me unite as one.We need to stop brinig each other down and start bring one another up.In Ms.Denton class we plan to but poster up about stoping bullying and start to unite as one, so lets start today!

Anonymous said...

Patryck F.
5th Hour

Bullying is a very bad thing to do. No one should have to go threw it. Bullying causses people to think negitive qand feel bad. It also leads to bad consequences. Some consequences are suicide, unusual behavior and negitive thinking.

Anonymous said...

Cody B
5th hour

Bullying needs to stop because there are a lot of people who took there lives because of it. Also it needs to stop because people could end up killing their selves and ruining there life and their families and friends. Also because people who get bullied could tell parents, teachers, principle, or councilors and the bullies could go to jail. People who are bullied are depressed and don’t know what to do. Lastly bullying should stop because its mean and ignorant and if you wanted to go to college it would be harder to cause of the record you have of harassment if you get caught.

Anonymous said...

5th Hour

Bullying needs to stop because,one its just wrong!Also what you say will and hurt someone.Would you want to get bullyed because of something you cant control? Kids are dieing!They are killing there self because they are getting bullyed.What if this happend to you, or maybe even one of your love one,what would you do? Bulying is mean,wrong and it needs to stop!!

Anonymous said...

Patryck F.
5th Hour

Bullying is a vey harsh and unecessary thing to do. No one should have to go threw it. Bullying also causes people to think negitive and feel bad. It also leads to very horrible consequences. Some consequences are suicide, unusual behavior and negitive thinking.

Anonymous said...

Daniela G
6th Hour

Bullying needs to stop because it hurts people very bad. It also ruins people's lives. It takes away from what is important in life.Bullying is always a very hard subject to talk about. You should never laugh at someone that is being bullied its something very wrong and just mest up bullying has to come to an end.

Anonymous said...

Allison C.
6th hour

I hate the fact that people bully others for no reason. I don't know why you would do that. If you don't like being bullied, don't be a bully. People can really be hurt by what people say about them or do to them. It's just hateful.

Anonymous said...

Travis W.
6th Hour

Bullying needs to stop because it makes school horrible for the people being bullied. It can also lead to the kid commiting suicide. An the people that bully some one can go to jail an do some time.Now if I see bullying i will try to stop it. People should never bully it never ends good.

Anonymous said...

Tryn H.
Bullying needs to stop because itis not nice. Life should be about having fun not being bullyed. If you are being bullyed and you don't tell anyone about it you couled get realy hurt. If you get hurt, you can't have fun. If you are bullying someone, you need to stop or you will end up getting in trouble for it someday.

Anonymous said...

Hector G.
6th Hour

Bullying should stop for some reasons. Sometimes it makes the person feel bad. And can lead to them not wanting to come to school. Sometimes people might wanna kill themselves. So bullying should stop because there are many consequences the victim can face.

Anonymous said...

Jasmine B.
6th hr.

Bullying needs to stop beacuse its hurting people in many ways like, people want to kill there selfs.
It makes people lifes hard and it makes the people that are gettiing bullied bully others.

Anonymous said...

Kevin Y.
6th hour

I belive that bullying needs to come to a stop because kids are killing them selfs over words.
It also can lead to other kids bullying others just to get there problems off there mine. The words can also stick with you for rest of your life and wont go away.

Anonymous said...

Brandon R.
6th hour

Bullying needs to stop because it waste time in class when the teacher has to stop and talking to a bully. Also it takes kids out of class when they get called in the hall or the office. If it doesnt stop then people can get hurt mentaly and pychicaly. Also it can happen out of school and people cant get in trouble with the police. Thats why bullying needs to stop.

Anonymous said...

Armonie G.
6th Hour

Bullying is A very hurtful thing. When bullying your not only hurting yourself but your also hurting others. Bullying could cause people to take there life away because of something you did thinking its all A joke. But once you find out that person you were hurting has hurt themselves you'll be putting yourself in a bad position. Therefore you'll be punished. If you see this you should really try and put a stop to it.

Anonymous said...

Emily s.
6th hour

Bullying needs to stop for several reasons. The first reason is it hurts people. Why would you want to hurt people on purpose? All your really doing is making someone feel bad about them self.
The next reason is you dont know what that person goes through everyday of there life. That person could have a tough life at home there parents could be losing there job and you would not know. Don't try to make someones life harder than it already is. The last reason is its against the law. Do you want to be arrested or have a fine against for some cheap thrill of being mean to someone? Thats just not right. All in all bullying needs to stop it hurts.

Anonymous said...

Dijon F.
6th Hour

Bulling is the worst thing to talk about becuse you dont know if you should tell your parents or not because if you dont the bulling will get even worst. So now even if its you or not you always tell someone if you see bulling.

Anonymous said...

Ryan C.
6th Hour

Bullying is a topic that no one really wants to talk about. No one wants to talk about it because it's bad and cruel. It's not good to bully and it doesn't feel good to get bullied. If you are bulling someone you should and think about how it feels to be bullied. bullying can be caused to mentel sucide and physical suicide.

Anonymous said...

Maiya P.
6th hour

Bullying needs to stop because people are getting hurt from it and killing them self. They are hurtful words. People wont like it if someone said it to them. It goes futher then it was intended to go and you cant take it back. Thats why bulling need to stop.

Anonymous said...

Jada H.
6th Hour

Bullying needs to stop because it may affect people in ways you might not know. When you are bullying someone, the person might be going through a hard time at home. Also if you keep bullying a person that doesnt seem like they are affected from it, you dont know what is going on with them through closed doors. There is people who might act like they are okay on the outside but feel horrible on the inside. Bullying is getting worse now because it is happening way too much and I hope people start getting a clue on what they are doing.

Anonymous said...

Natasha M.
6th hr.

Bullying needs to be stoped as soon as possible! I think that bullying is pretty childish and immature. There is no reason that children need to make fun of other children. When a child is being bullied so much that they have to kill themselves there is a serious problem. I will make sure when I see bullying I will stop it when I see it.

Anonymous said...

Omari B.
6th Hour

Bullying is a wrong thing to do. It hurts people in big ways.Bullies pick on people who they know won't stick up for themselves. People need to stick up together and help stop bullying istead of just watching it happened. Don't just watch help.

Anonymous said...

Durece D.

Bulling is a big problem in our society today. We see that technology is becoming a number one way for, bullies to reach people and not face to face. Bulling is having people to commit suicide, which isn't fair to the parents of these victim. Lastly, bulling is something that no one wants to happen to them. So, stop the bulling and make an effort to help those that are being bullied!

Anonymous said...

Ayjah J.
6th Hour

Bulling needs to stop because it is very hurtful.Sometimes it can even cause people to committ suicide. Bulling is very powerful. Alot of people say to ignore words, but words hurt just as much as when someone hits you. It ruins dreams and hurts families. this is why bulling needs to stop and you should never choose to be one.

Anonymous said...

William R.
6th hour

i don't like the fact that people are bullying people because they are different. they think they are better than everyone. every one different so why tease other people about needs to stop and people need to be caught and suspended. it can make people do stuff they don't want too.

Anonymous said...

Jonathon B.
6th Hour

Bullying needs to stop because it hurts other people in different ways. If it hurts someone to bad they probably would want to die. They will feel hurt and try to run away from home. They won't want to go to school at all. This could also cause that person to bully someone else as well.

Anonymous said...

Kevin Y.
6th hour

I belive that bullying needs to come to a stop because kids are killing them selfs over words.
It also can lead to other kids bullying others just to get there problems off there mine. The words can also stick with you for rest of your life and wont go away.So when you see or hear about someone bein bullied please tell someone as soon as you see it. Noone should bully, why bully?

Anonymous said...

Ashleigh M.
6th Hour

I think that bulling has to stop because it can really effect someone in their lifetime. It can get worse and worse. Plus, sometimes it can go too far and can make someone commit suicide. Also, it can lead to hurting themselves or running away.Why do it when you will most likely get in trouble for it???

Anonymous said...

Deontae J.

Bullying is not a good thing, you should not do it. Because it hurts people really bad. And it makes people want to kill themselves, and why would you want to bully because you would not want anyone to do it to you. I dont do it because its wronge and it makes people mad and upset. And if you do it and somebody kill themselves now you have to live with that.

Anonymous said...

Trey H.
7th hour

Bullying needs to stop it is destroying people. So many kids know how to hurt people Psychologically. They hate someone for no reason. Bullied kids end up if they do not kill themselves, become bullies them selves.What goes around comes around,you should treat people how you want to be treatded. Life is hard for people enough as it is dont make it harder.

Anonymous said...

Joe B.
7th Hour

Bullying needs to stop. If it dosent more poeple will have sucicidal actions or thoughts. bullying effects poeples lives so much .If you see bullying tell the bully to stop.Tell the bully to stop because you're killing them.

Anonymous said...

J'la W.
7th hour

Bulling is a bad thing to do becuse people are getting hurt. People are commiting suiside becuse of it. Bullying needs to stop because its not nice. You should treet people nicely. Like the saying always says treat people the way you want to be treated.

Anonymous said...

K'len F.
7th Hour

I think bullying should stop because i just dont think its wright the second reason is that you can really scar someone mentaly and that doesnt go away easly the third reason i think bullying should stop is that bullying can star not serious and then end up being really serious and can lead to suicide.

Anonymous said...

Brie Ona N.
7th hour

Bullying needs to stop. I really hate when people go the wrong direction in there life because someone bullied you. I knew someone named marcus and he was adopted. When his foster father lost the house, he had to go back. Whe he started to go back to school he was being teased. A little bit after his 16th birthday he killed himself. But in other words don't let people get away with teasing you. You need to take control of your life and put them in thier place. If they are gonna act tough, you act tougher. You don't let them put you down.

Anonymous said...

Gabrielle H.
7th Hour

I think that bullying needs to stop because it hurts people.Bullying hurts people in various ways such as cutting your self or hurting other people or worse death.Bullying also needs to stop because you don't know what people go through and it will only add to the bad things in a persons life. Bullying needs to stop because all the mean things that you say they may go home and that will be the only thing they think sbout. One more reason why bullying needs to stop is because that they can become mentally ill and they might have to go to a asylum because of what bulling does. So think about would you want someone to do that to you,if not why would you do it to others. Something must be done,and it can.

Anonymous said...

Juliet S.
7th Hour

Bullying needs to stop because it is hurting people! Life is already hard enough without people saying mean things, pushing people around, ect. I think that people should try and STOP the bullying!
I feel that if someone is going through bullying you never know mabye something bad could happen. All in all I think that Bullying is a world wide problem.You can make a difference!

Anonymous said...

Donna P.
7th Hour

Bullying is hurting a lot of people around the world. When people bully other people it can lead to a lot of consequences. People are killing themselves because of bullying and that needs to stop. I plan on stopping any bullying I see.

Anonymous said...

bullying need to stop because people word hunt even when do not head it. people like are age died.peole all on facebook is kill people.people is get on the phone and facebook

Anonymous said...

Giddings-Whatley L.
7th Hour

Bullying is killing kids all over the world and many parents didnt even know that they're kids are being bullied thats horrible to the parents. And some people are bullying other kids and dont even know it and can be caused by words.
And kids shouldn't be judged or bullied by their gender or what they like.Another reason is kids and adults all are having a hard time in life and bullying is not helping them at all. Some kids grow up with disorders and being bullied be cause the way they were born.

Anonymous said...

Kristina G.
7th hour

Bullying needs to stop because it is killing young people phyicaly and mentally. Also bullying just makes life harder and creates more problems that people don't need. Bullying is a way to make people feel bad and i don't understand why people do it. I promise to stop bullying others and will stand up for someone if I see them being bullied. Most people who bully do it because they are feeling insacare about them selfs. bullying is something that can be stoped.

Anonymous said...

Dylan W.
7th Hour

Bullying needs to stop everyware. Everyware kids are being herrast because of they way they look or there therir last name. On the news kids are going home and hanging themselfs because of bullying so stop. If you know people who bully other kids just because of what they look like tell and adult or tell them to stop.

Anonymous said...

jason s.
7th hour

One reason that bullying should
stop is that its just plain wrong. people that think bullying is cool shouldn’t hurting friends is not cool so stop. Another reason why people should stop bullying is people kill there self over that it hurts not physically but mental.
If you now somebody who is being bullied get them help so they don’t make a bad choice. Life is

Anonymous said...

DejaNae D.

I think bullying should stop because it hurts peoples feelings. Some people gets really hurt and think nobody cares about them so they kill themselves. If you dont like a person then dont start rumors that is not true.

Anonymous said...

Mycarra W.
7th Hour

I belive that bullying needs to stop.Bullying brings people down and is not fun.I dont know one person that liked bullying.Its not good to bully because alot of people led people to suicide and could had been something inportant to the world.

Anonymous said...

Tyler J.
7th Hour

Bullying needs to stop because the more people are going to kill them slef. If people can stop bullying outhers can have better life. If it is not nice don't say it. Trust me i been thaur.All i have to say is that people like that are insecure and can't control their anger.

Anonymous said...

Alleehja B.
7th Hour.

I think that bulling should stop because it is not right for people to get bulled by other people. For example like this one boy Ryan he had killed hisself just because he was getting bulled on the internet and at school and he had no place to hind from the bulling. There are differnet ways for people to get bulled. Like they can be bulled by the Internet,Cellphone,School or anywhere. And if you are getting bulled you should tell a adult or tell a friend that you can trust to stop the bulling.

Anonymous said...

Caitlin B.
7th Hour

I think bullying is one of the things that caused most people to commit suicide. I think it is awful that kids and adults are dieing because of what other people say. Life is bad enough with school, sports, homework & ect. Why would other people want to drive people to stupid decisions? I would like everyone to help out & stop any bullying because bullying is just wrong.

Anonymous said...

Klen F.
7th Hour

Bullying is destorying the lifes of all kids over the world and bystanders are just letting it happen because there happy that the bullying. Is not happening to them so they just laugh along like nothing is happening. Many kids are taking matter in there own hands and taking there own lifes because bully is to much to handle.

Anonymous said...

Shericka f.
7th hour
Bulling need to stop beacuse they are hurting kids .
The bulles are donig this because they dont feel good about themselfs. I think that they should tell their parents about the
Some of the people at my litte sister school are being biulled.
I seend a litte girl who was being
builled and i help her and she was happy.

Anonymous said...

Adam R.
7th hour

Bullying has to stop because more and more deaths each year are suicide because of bullying. Because of technology kids can get bullied 24/7. Kids can no longer feel that home is safe from bully’s you can get hate emails, text messages and even phone calls.

Anonymous said...

'Shay .M.
5th Hr.
Bullying needs to stop because it can really hurt people and push them over the limit, which can lead to suicide. It's very annoying and irritating. If you wouldn't want anybody doing it to you then why should you do it to them? There's abosulety no point of people being bullied.Handle situatuions in a mature way and STOP the bullying!

Anonymous said...

3rd hour
Joe W.
One resason Bullying think about what you are doing you are hurting the person inside and out.Another Reason it is mean.Another reason it is not cool.Another reason it is not right.Finally THey could lead to death or bodily harm to yourself...

Anonymous said...

Amanda S.
4th hour

Bullying can be more than wat it seems. People are hurting themselves such as killing,and hanging themselves because other people are bullying them. Some people can bully people and be okay with it and some people hate being buyllied and do things that god would not want. Wenever I see anyone being bullied I will imdiately stop the arguement, fight

Anonymous said...

D'Angelo G

Bullying need to stop because it is hurting people.Life is hard for the people that is geting bullying.And bullying mean bullying is a realy hard subiect to talk about.Bullying need to stop because it is making people do stuff they dont want to do.

Anonymous said...

Arielle C.
5th hour

Bullying needs to stop because it is causing many problems in our country and all over the world. It is causing suiside, stress, suisidal thoughts, and many other bad things us people wouldn't want to happen. So if you or I see anyone getting bullied, we should do something about it to make a difference in our world, to make a change for our lives. To live life better.

Anonymous said...

Cameron B.
5th hour
You shouldn't bully it can get you in trouble at home and with the law. People don't like to be teased and talked about if you can't say something nice just walk away or say nothing.

Anonymous said...

Schenley C.
6th Hr

Bullying needs to stop its hurting people. Its making life harder than it is. It could leads to bad consequences. When every i would see bullying i would speak up instead of staying quite.

Anonymous said...

Robby C.
4th hour

I think that bullying needs to stop. I think it needs to stop becuse it is really starting to hurt people. Also it is getting bad because people are starting to commit suicide. Also it is mean. Those are some reasons bullying should stop

Anonymous said...

Gerald A.
3rd Hour

Bullying can really hurt because it may sometime leave perment effects on someone. And it can leave perment effects and might actually screw up thier lives. So stop BULLYING!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Daniell D.
3rd hour

bullying needs to stop becaues it hurt make people life harder then what it is.bullying can lead to figths or other things.people really need to stop bullying is wrong and hurtfull.i don't undersand why people bully.

Anonymous said...

DiAngelo. T 7th hour
Bulling need to stop because its wrong and its not right. some people take it seriously like people actaully kill them self. Because of the humiliation they have to go to school with lies and rumors. About their self and noboby wants to live with that. Imagine if you go to school and people laughing at you and you don't now why until the end of the day.